In 2018-19, the University celebrated its 225th birthday, harkening back to the laying of the cornerstone for Old East, its first building, in 1793. Although the College of Arts & Sciences didn’t take its current name until 1935, its roots are nearly as old as the University itself. The University considers the College’s founding date to be 1795, when Old East opened and students arrived.
This history timeline shows when the College of Arts & Sciences’ modern-day academic departments and major centers, institutes and programs were founded. Many of the oldest departments trace their origins back to when the first faculty were hired, since formal departments did not exist until much later.
In 1795, the University admitted 40 students who were taught by two faculty members. Formal departments didn’t exist as they do today, although subjects such as English, French, Latin and Mathematics (today a part of the College of Arts & Sciences) were taught.
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