Social Sciences

Orientation leader Excellence Perry: Helping new Tar Heels feel at home

Excellence Perry

On this week’s episode of UNC’s “Well Said” podcast, rising junior Excellence Perry shares how he hopes to empower incoming Tar Heels as an orientation leader. Perry is pursuing a double major in public relations and advertising in UNC’s School of Media and Journalism and management and society in the College of Arts & Sciences.

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Military Mindset

Graphic illustration of psychoactive medication pills

An increase in mental health awareness, low recruitment numbers, and longer deployments during the War on Terror — the longest-running conflict in American history — has shifted the rules and regulations for military mental health treatment. UNC medical anthropologist Jocelyn Chua speaks with active duty service members, veterans, and health care providers to learn more.

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To Conquer the World

In the earth’s long history of rulers and warriors, few stand as tall as Alexander the Great. A Macedonian king who built an enormous empire across the Middle East and Asia in 11 years, Alexander was a man known for his strategic cunning. But in historian Fred Naiden’s groundbreaking work on Alexander’s role as a religious leader, he shines a new light on the ancient conqueror’s rise to the top.

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