More than 140 Carolina undergraduate students will present their work at the 15th annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research on Monday. The event will take place in the Frank Porter Graham Student Union on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.
The students will represent research from a range of disciplines, including biology; chemistry; applied sciences; environmental science; mathematical sciences; psychology; English and comparative literature; global studies; geology; history; health policy and administration; history; women’s studies; public policy; exercise and sports science; economics; linguistics; and psychology.
The symposium, open to the community, is sponsored by the Office for Undergraduate Research in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences and The Roosevelt Institute. The goal of the event is to highlight and encourage meaningful research by undergraduate students in all academic disciplines at Carolina.
There will be concurrent talks, or platform sessions, as well as poster sessions. Poster displays, where students will talk one-on-one with visitors about their research, will be set up from 1 to 2 p.m. and 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Student Union. Platform sessions, scattered in rooms throughout the Student Union, run from 1 to 3:15 p.m., with a 15-minute break at 2 p.m. During these sessions, students will give 10-minute talks on their research to an audience, followed by questions.
Visitors can also compete for prizes in a research bingo game by talking with poster presenters.
The Carolina Research Scholars will be honored at 3:30 p.m. in Room 3206 of the Student Union. These students have met specific academic requirements that contribute to their role as undergraduate researchers, and this designation is recognized on their transcripts. Bobbi Owen, the senior associate dean for undergraduate education, will deliver the keynote talk.
Read more, including research abstracts about the poster presentations and the platform presentations.