Undergraduate Education

20th Celebration of Undergraduate Research April 24

(photo from the 2018 Celebration of Undergraduate Research by Kristen Chavez) Photo shows a student presenting her poster.

The Celebration of Undergraduate Research is a research symposium held at UNC-Chapel Hill each April. The goal of the celebration is to showcase and encourage meaningful UNC-Chapel Hill undergraduate research in all disciplines.

20th Celebration of Undergraduate Research April 24 Read More »

Carolina honors 11 for public service

Pink Dogwoods bloom in front of the Old Well in early spring on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Disaster preparedness trainings, pro bono legal assistance and a performance program for children with autism were some of the projects recognized at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s 2019 Public Service Awards celebration on April 1. The annual event is hosted by the Carolina Center for Public Service. College of Arts & Sciences people and programs were among the winners.

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‘Triple I’ courses teach the power of interdisciplinary thinking

From left, Barbara Fredrickson, Claudio Battaglini and Arne Kalleberg share a laugh after class. They teach the Triple I course, "Health and Happiness." (photo by Donn Young)

“Health and Happiness” and “Death and Dying” are two of five “Ideas, Information and Inquiry” courses, also called “Triple I” or “III” for short, that are being pilot-tested in spring 2019.

‘Triple I’ courses teach the power of interdisciplinary thinking Read More »

Rhodes appointed interim dean of the College of Arts & Sciences

Terry Rhodes (photo by Johnny Andrews)

As Senior Associate Dean for Fine Arts and Humanities in the College of Arts & Sciences since 2012, Rhodes has long championed the value of the arts and humanities to a well-rounded education throughout her more than three decades at Carolina.

Rhodes appointed interim dean of the College of Arts & Sciences Read More »

Guskiewicz appointed interim chancellor

A neuroscientist and internationally recognized expert on sport-related concussions, Kevin Guskiewicz joined Carolina’s faculty in 1995 and has served as dean of the College of Arts & Sciences since January 2016. As interim chancellor, he will chart a course for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Guskiewicz appointed interim chancellor Read More »