Global Programs

Awards will further Ph.D. student’s studies in Greece

Rebecca Worsham, a doctoral student in classical archaeology, has received two prestigious fellowships that will allow her to further her research in Greece. She will spend time at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, as well as visiting archaeological sites in the Peloponnese and Central Greece.

Awards will further Ph.D. student’s studies in Greece Read More »

Conference addresses global challenges in the Arctic

Climate change, navigation lanes, sovereignty and resource extraction in the Arctic are subject to growing international attention. Now, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is drawing the debate into the limelight at a conference on March 28 to address the region’s future. Experts on the countries with the longest Arctic coastlines will convene

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A Little Bit of Promise: UNC chemist builds school in Guatemalan village

In his own words, UNC chemist Brian Hogan calls himself a “crazy scientist who wanted to build a school in Guatemala.” This is a story of how one man with an idea really can change the world. It’s also a story about how Carolina is helping him to do just that.

A Little Bit of Promise: UNC chemist builds school in Guatemalan village Read More »

Experts to discuss China’s unprecedented economic boom April 9

Asia experts James Fallows and Orville Schell will discuss China’s unprecedented economic boom in a talk April 9 at UNC. The free public program, “China Rising: What does China’s unprecedented boom mean for the global economy, U.S. foreign policy, human rights and the environment?” will be at 5:30 p.m. in the FedEx Global Education Center.

Experts to discuss China’s unprecedented economic boom April 9 Read More »

Two UNC students receive Luce scholarships for study in Asia

Amber Micole Koonce and Cody Mitchell Poplin have earned 2012-2013 scholarships from the Henry Luce Foundation in New York City. The Luce scholarship funds a year of living and learning in East and Southeast Asia for recent college graduates with no prior experience of the continent.

Two UNC students receive Luce scholarships for study in Asia Read More »