Social Sciences

Two Diversity Awards won in the College

An academic department chair and a senior undergraduate in the College of Arts and Sciences won 2011 University Diversity Awards from the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs.  The honors were presented for “significant contributions to the enhancement, support and/or furtherance of diversity on the campus and in the community.” Terry Rhodes, professor and chair […]

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Graduate student will study and teach Cherokee language, thanks to new fellowship

Brooke Bauer, a Ph.D. student in history in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences, will spend part of her summer enrolled in an intensive Cherokee language course offered by the Museum of the Cherokee Indian in Cherokee, N.C. She will then come back to Carolina in the fall, and serve as a teaching assistant for

Graduate student will study and teach Cherokee language, thanks to new fellowship Read More »

Alum Todd Miller wins National Wetlands Award

Todd Miller (BA urban studies’78, MA city and regional planning ’80), executive director and founder of the N.C. Coastal Federation (NCCF), has won a National Wetlands Award in the Wetland Community Leader category from the Environmental Law Institute. The National Wetlands Awards are presented annually to individuals who have excelled in wetlands protection, restoration and

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MLK Scholars give back to the campus and community

Tia Davis, a UNC junior studying public relations and entrepreneurship, won the University’s 2012 Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship, including a $1,500 award. Runners up, who won $1,000 awards, are journalism major Jeremy Knight and psychology major Asif Kahn. The three were recognized during UNC’s 31th Annual MLK Birthday Celebration for following Dr. King’s example

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2011 Burch Fellows take on world challenges with innovative projects

Six Carolina undergraduates will head off on exciting journeys in the United States and abroad to pursue independent study projects of their own design, thanks to the Burch Fellows Program in the College of Arts and Sciences. The program, supported by Lucius E. Burch III, a 1963 Carolina graduate, recognizes undergraduates at the University who

2011 Burch Fellows take on world challenges with innovative projects Read More »

Interdisciplinary Galapagos research: Project examples

Editor’s note: This sidebar accompanied a feature article in the spring ’11 issue of Carolina Arts & Sciencesmagazine on the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Initiative includes wide-ranging research projects engaging faculty across disciplines. Here are just a few examples of recently funded projects: Mobility UNC researchers Ronald Rindfuss, Kyle Crowder and Margarita Mooney (sociology) and

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First-generation student wins graduate school scholarship

Christopher Carter, born and raised in the small town of Elkin, bagged groceries as a teenager. Before college, he’d never ventured more than 400 miles from home. Then he won a life-changing Morehead-Cain Scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. And is he ever going away next fall. Carter, a UNC senior

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Creative Collaborations: Languages Across the Curriculum

Imagine taking a class on postwar Germany in German or a global business marketing class in Spanish. Students interested in advancing their language skills at Carolina are doing just that, thanks to the Languages Across the Curriculum (LAC) program in the College of Arts and Sciences. Sophomore international studies major Ana Cabello-De La Garza is

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Study: Neighborhood natives move out when immigrants move in

Native residents of a neighborhood are more likely to move out when immigrants move in, according to new research by three American sociologists. “Neighborhood Immigration and Native Out-Migration” appears in the February issue of the American Sociological Review. Study authors are Kyle Crowder of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Matthew Hall of

Study: Neighborhood natives move out when immigrants move in Read More »