The Vimy Expeditions: The plane that changed the world

Glamour, danger and pioneering spirit are not words commonly associated with the air travel industry today, but for a time in the early 20th century, aviation truly captivated the global imagination.

Inspired by this spirit and the groundbreaking voyages of a particular WWI-era bomber plane, UNC alumnus Peter McMillan ’81 and Australian Lang Kidby undertook the challenge in 1992 of rebuilding the enormous Vickers Vimy biplane, complete with open cockpit and cotton-covered wings, and re-created her historic 1919 flight from England to Australia.

McMillan will chronicle this original record-breaking flight and its reenactment along with the Vimy’s later adventures until its retirement in 2009 in a presentation Nov. 10 at 5:30 p.m. in the FedEx Global Education Center’s Nelson Mandela Auditorium. Incorporating photos and video footage of both the original and modern flights, this captivating story will allow viewers to witness the joy of cruising over the Taj Mahal and the aftermath of a crash landing on Sumatra. This tale interweaves the 1919 and modern Vimy flights, separated by 90 years but united in a common spirit of adventure.

This comprehensive presentation will be followed by a time of questions with Peter McMillan and a public reception. This event is free and open to the public. Hosted by UNC Global and the UNC Curriculum in Global Studies.