Tempest in the Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan Nov. 14 panel

FedEx Global Education Center, Mandela Auditorium
7:30 pm, Thursday, November 14
Sponsored by the Carolina Asia Center

Last week on Nov. 7, Typhoon Haiyan made landfall in the Philippines in what appears to have been the strongest tropical cyclone to touch an inhabited coast in modern meteorological records. The devastating effects of the storm are still being tabulated as authorities, particularly in the city of Tacloban, work to provide relief to survivors and to make sense of the growing death toll. 

This Thursday at UNC, a small group of faculty panelists will provide an overview of the context for the disaster. Speakers will include Rosemary Fernholz of Duke’s Center for International Development, Chip Konrad, Director of UNC’s Southeast Regional Climate Center (SERCC), and Joseph Palis, a Geographer from NCSU. 

Please join us to learn more about Typhoon Haiyan, the impact on the Philippines, and the global implications of this and other climate-related disasters. 
