Political science faculty win book awards

James Stimson (photo by Kristen Chavez)
UNC political scientists James Stimson and Georg Vanberg have won book awards from the American Political Science Association (APSA).

Stimson won the Philip Converse Award for best book with lasting impact, for Issue Evolution: Race and the Transformation of American Politics (1989), with Edward G. Carmines. Stimson is the Raymond Dawson Professor of Political Science. The award was presented by the APSA section on elections, public opinion and voting. This is the second time Stimson has won this award; the first was in 2001 for Public Opinion in America: Moods, Cycles and Swings (1991, 1998).

Vanberg won the Richard F. Fenno Jr. Prize for the best book on legislative politics, for Parliaments and Coalitions: The Role of Legislative Institutions in Multiparty Governance (2011), with Lanny W. Martin. The award was presented by the APSA section on legislative studies.

Stimson earned his B.A. from the University of Minnesota and his Ph.D. from UNC. The focus of current work is macro theory and research on American politics, with particular emphasis on connecting mass behavior to governance in Washington. He also is the author or co-author of Yeas and Nays: Normal Decision-Making in the U.S. House of Representatives (1975), The Macro Polity (2002), Tides of Consent (2004), Mandate Politics (2006), and Ideology in America (forthcoming 2012).

Vanberg received his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. His research focuses on comparative political institutions, with a particular interest in judicial and legislative politics, and in coalition theory. He teaches courses on formal modeling, public choice/rational choice theories, judicial/constitutional politics and European politics. He also is the author of The Politics of Constitutional Review in Germany (2005).

For more on their prizes, visit http://politicalscience.unc.edu/.