Celebrating 40 years: Vintage Image–Microcomputers

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From its earliest days, the Arts and Sciences Foundation recognized the importance of incorporating computer technology into the daily workings of the College.  These photos appeared in the 1986 Foundations for Excellence campaign report and show Foundation Board members learning how computers could be used in the College.

The following excerpt from the Foundation’s “Case for Private Support of the General College and the College of Arts and Sciences—A Plan of Action” dated February 28, 1983, illustrates the funding priority for microcomputers.

Microcomputers:  Virtually every modern enterprise is utilizing microcomputers for handling of data and word processing. Departmental microcomputers can increase many fold the productivity of our scientists and scholars both in data acquisition and handling and in word processing.  Moreover, through microcomputers faculty members can gain access to immense national data bases from their departments and even from their own offices.  Every university in the country is facing the problem of so equipping their departments. Again, there are no prospects in State budget lines for this purpose; what will be done must be done with private help.”

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